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Client FAQs

Why do I have to go for a medical appointment? I saw my GP after the accident happened?


Can I change the date of my medical appointment?

The medical appointments arranged for our clients are done so by the medical expert administration team. They work to very tight schedules, dealing with a large number of medical appointments every week and try to accommodate every person’s appointment as quickly as possible. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, we would always advise you not to change the date of your medical appointment.

I am no longer injured – why do I have to attend a medical appointment?

Even if you are no longer injured following your accident – maybe it took place some time ago – our medical experts can still assess the physical damage which was caused and how this would have or still could affect your body. We always instruct a medical appointment with every case for this reason.

How long will my case take to complete?

There is no fixed time that any claim will take, as various parts of the claim the opponent’s case will affect the progress. For example, a dispute on liability may mean a claim having to proceed to a trial, to have the decision of a Judge, whereas if liability is admitted, a settlement may be possible at an early stage. What we can promise is that Hampson Hughes will deal with your claim as quickly and efficiently as possible, all the while upholding a high standard in case management and encouraging settlement at every step of the way.

How do I get an update on my case?

The team who will be working for you here at Hampson Hughes Solicitors will always endeavour to contact you by telephone, email or in writing if there is an update on your case which they believe you need to be made aware of.
In order to save your time, and the costs of calls etc, we would advise you not to continually contact Hampson Hughes Solicitors for updates on your case.

Am I entitled to an incentive?

Unfortunately, incentives are not offered to clients whose cases were opened with Hampson Hughes Solicitors via a claims management company or referrer.

Do you take money from my compensation?

You get 100% compensation for your personal injury case. We do not take any of our legal costs or fees from your compensation, this is all covered by the third party insurance.
The only time we will ever take any money from the overall compensation award is if you request a £1,000 cash advance (t&c’s apply).
This £1,000 will come off the final agreed compensation amount.

Czy muszę zapłacić, jeśli przegram?

In the unlikely event that your personal injury case is not successfully won by the expert team here at Hampson Hughes Solicitors, you will not have to pay any costs or fees.

Czy muszę iść do sądu?

Jeżeli reklamacja nie iść na badania, które są wymagane do wzięcia udziału.

How long will it take to receive my compensation once my case is settled?

We normally advise that once a case it settled, it can take 3 to 6 weeks for you to receive your compensation award in the form of a cheque.

Non-Client FAQs

Co będę musiał zrobić, jeśli się roszczenia?

Załatwiamy wszystko dla Ciebie.

Czy muszę chodzić na wizytę lekarską, zorganizowanym przez Hampson Solicitors Hughes?


Czy jesteście państwo przedstawicielami ludzi zaangażowanych w obrażenia i zaniedbań medycznych w całym kraju?

Tak, jesteśmy dumni, że reprezentowane tysiące klientów w całym kraju za ich przypadku obrażeń ciała i nadal będziemy to robić.
Ze względu na różne prawa w Anglii i Szkocji, nie jesteśmy w stanie do reprezentowania klientów, którzy odnieśli obrażenia, którzy mieszkają w Szkocji.

Czy muszę iść do sądu?

Jeżeli reklamacja nie iść na badania, które są wymagane do wzięcia udziału.

Co oznacza "odpowiedzialność" oznacza?

Odpowiedzialność jest słowo używane do opisania usterki.

Czy muszę zapłacić, jeśli przegram?

W mało prawdopodobnym przypadku, że dane osobowe przypadku szkody nie został pomyślnie wygranego przez zespół ekspertów tutaj na Hampson Solicitors Hughes, nie będzie musiał płacić żadnych kosztów i opłat.