
Medical Negligence

Here at Hampson Hughes, our expert Clinical Negligence team specialise in recovering compensation for victims
of medical accidents.

We appreciate that the aftermath of such negligence can be an emotional and personal time for all involved, that’s why here at Hampson Hughes our team offer not only professional legal help but practical support to assist any life changes.
For you to be successful in a legal claim for clinical negligence there are three elements we must establish:

  1. That a duty of care was owed to you by the Medical Practitioner.
  2. Negligence – that the care you received fell below medically acceptable standards, and
  3. Causation – the negligence of medical professional directly resulted in an injury.

A simple way to summarise how these three elements fit together is to remember that your claim is effectively for the harm which you have suffered as a result of negligent medical treatment.
Your claim is not for the negligent medical treatment itself.
It is possible that, in certain circumstances, a doctor can provide treatment which is substandard, but where the outcome is actually unaffected.
Here is a list of some of the areas of clinical negligence which Hampson Hughes specialises in:

Surgical accidents
Dental negligence
Cosmetic Surgery Claims
Brain damage/injury
Delay in diagnosis
Birth injury claims
Defective medical products
Pressure Sores
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Failed sterilisation
GP Negligence

What you should do if you think you a claim for clinical negligence?

Contact our specialist Clinical Negligence Team at Hampson Hughes on 0151 236 1222 or email
A member of our team will take full details of your claim and the injuries suffered.
We will then assess your claim and help you through the early stages of investigation, this being an initial letter of complaint to the medical professional or medical institution.
Once we have taken you through this stage we will be in a position to assess your claim and advise you of the next legal steps to be taken.

We work under a no win, no fee agreement.

Simply put, if we are successful with your claim for personal injury compensation, all legal fees are charged to your opponent.
If however we do not win your personal injury compensation claim you will not be charged any costs or legal fees.
There are also some circumstances in which the three year rule does not apply. For example, where a child suffers injury as a result of Clinical Negligence, the three year period does not begin to run until the child’s 18th birthday. The three year time limit also does not apply to people who are mentally incapable of bringing a Clinical Negligence case.
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