
Noise Induced Hearing Loss at Vickers

Hampson Hughes has handled many successful claims against Vickers Ltd in cases of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

If you have been exposed to a noisy working environment at Vickers Ltd, you too could be entitled to compensation.

Vickers Ltd was originally known for steel casting, before branching out into areas such as aircraft manufacture, car manufacture, and shipbuilding.

These processes involve machines such as lathes, presses, grinders, milling machines, and drills. The noise from these machines is sufficient to cause NIHL.

Legislation was introduced in 1963 that outlined the employer’s duty of care in providing a safe working environment.

This has been interpreted to include a duty to provide adequate hearing protection.

However, Vickers Ltd repeatedly failed to provide employees with hearing protection.

Consequently, employees of Vickers Ltd have suffered NIHL.

NIHL is a gradual process. This means that sufferers do not always recognise the symptoms – the damage caused could be mistakenly associated with hearing loss in age old.

Common symptoms of NIHL include:

  • Increasing the TV volume
  • Asking people to speak up or to repeat themselves
  • Difficulty in following conversations, particularly in groups or over the phone

Many people also hear a ringing or buzzing in their ears, known as tinnitus.

We provide expert advice in relation to NIHL claims – our specialist team will recover the full amount of compensation to which you are entitled.

As part of the service, we will arrange for you to have your hearing examined by an expert at a time that is convenient for you.

You have a three year window from the “date of knowledge” within which to bring your claim (the date of knowledge is the date upon which you realised that your NIHL is linked to your previous employment).

If you think that you are suffering with NIHL, and you would like FREE advice, please contact our experienced Industrial Disease team on 0800 888 6888 or email