
Noise Induced Hearing Loss in the Motor Industry

Hampson Hughes has won many claims against the motor industry in cases of
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

If you have been exposed to a noisy working environment, you could be entitled to thousands of pounds in compensation.

What is NIHL?

When our ears receive sounds, hair cells within the inner ear detect and relay the information to the brain. Excessive and continuous noise can over stimulate the cells, causing them to die.

Without these hair cells, the information cannot be passed to the brain – this results in premature deafness.

Symptoms of NIHL

Symptoms of NIHL include not being able to follow a conversation, watching TV with the volume turned up too high, and constantly asking people to repeat themselves.

You may also experience a ringing or buzzing in your ears – this is known as tinnitus.

All of these signs develop gradually, and are often wrongly attributed to advancing age.

NIHL at Rolls Royce

The engineering industry has been aware of NIHL since the 1960s. However, many companies did not provide staff with hearing protection.

Employees at Rolls Royce may have been subjected to an excessively noisy work environment, including exposure to jet engines, Jones and Shipman Grinders, CNC machines, milling machines, lathes, pressers, horizontal borers, and vertical borers.

NIHL – Claiming with Hampson Hughes

We will arrange for you to have your hearing examined by medical experts – this FREE service forms part of your claim.

From your Date of Knowledge, you have 3 years in which to bring a claim for NIHL. Your Date of Knowledge is the calendar upon which you became aware of the link between your hearing loss and your employment.

We operate on a ‘no win no fee’ basis. This means that if your claim is not successful, you will not be required to pay any fees.

However, if your case is successful, we will recover all of the legal costs from the Defendant and the Defendant’s insurers. Where this is not possible, a contribution may be required from your compensation. This contribution will be agreed at the start of the claim and will never exceed 25% of the total compensation award.

If you have suffered hearing loss as a result of working in the motor industry, contact our Industrial Disease team on 0800 888 6888 or email