Girl Loses Battle with Cervical Cancer Aged 19
A 19 year old girl from the Wirral has lost her battle with cervical cancer.
What Happened?
Sophie Jones, of Eastham, was diagnosed with the disease in November last year. The teenager had suffered for several months with intense pain in her stomach – this was initially thought to have been Crohn’s disease.
Sophie requested a smear test, but her request was not granted.*
Upon being admitted to hospital, medical staff discovered Sophie’s condition, and that her cancer had spread to other parts of her body.
Sophie’s sister Steph said:
“She was just the life and soul of everything, and just lit the place up. She was always a very calming influence on everyone around her, and she loved being with her friends.
“This should never, ever have happened to her.”
Cervical cancer is rare in women under the age of 25. This could be a reason as to why Sophie’s request for a smear test was not granted.
How We Can All Help
Family friend Pamela Keelan has set up an online petition. The petition is aimed at bringing the debate to parliament over lowering the UK screening age for cervical cancer to 16.
Sophie’s Choice has gained almost 50,000 signatures – Parliament is obliged to debate the matter once the petition reaches 100,000 signatures (you can join the petition by clicking the link)
Claiming with Hampson Hughes Solicitors
If you feel that your cancer diagnosis was at any time delayed or mishandled, you could be entitled to claim compensation.
Our professional and friendly Medical Negligence Team is here to provide you with expert support and guidance – we will handle your claim with the compassion and due diligence that you deserve.
For further information about delays in cancer diagnosis and delays in cancer treatment, and to find out how we can help you, contact Hampson Hughes Solicitors today on 0151 242 1025 or email .
*establishing GP negligence in such cases relies on proving that the medical practitioner did not adhere to the current guidelines set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). For further information on cervical cancer screening guidelines in the UK, please visit
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