Month: August 2018

Studying Part-Time… is it possible?

It is that time of year again, July and August merge into one and before we know it September will be here already! This means, it’s the time where people are deciding whether to take the plunge and sign up to a part-time professional qualification course to study around their job.

For those of you who are considering studying a part-time course, Lauren Goldsworthy, Fee Earner at Hampson Hughes kindly provides her top 3 tips she followed to help make the transition as seamless as possible:

Tip 1 – Tell Work!

Studying part time as well as working full time and having a private life is no mean feat. Hampson Hughes tried to assist me in whichever way possible, and I’m sure your company will to. Whether it is, by giving you that much needed advice and guidance or exam leave – that little bit of extra help makes all the difference.

Tip 2 – Make a timetable and stick to it!

I found this crucial, especially during exam season! It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life that you do not realise until it is too late, that you haven’t studied enough or left yourself enough time to complete that assignment.

By having a structure in place from the beginning of the course, you will make the most stressful time at the end a lot more manageable!

Tip 3 – Give yourself some ‘ME’ time!

I can assure you that you won’t reach your final goal without every now and then taking a step back to take some time just focusing on you!

Whether it is a day out with the family, a weekend away or just a night in without the books out. It is vital for your mental health that you give yourself a chance to ‘’re-charge’’ every now and then.

Even with all of the above, it is normal to still feel as though everything is getting on top of you.

If you need additional support and advice, Law Care provides support to legal professionals to maintain good mental health and wellbeing.


Race for Life

For another year running, a group ladies tackled the annual 5k Race for Life to raise money for Cancer Research.

The sun was scorching, no breeze in the air and the temperature in the high twenties. It was a difficult task for even the seasoned runner.

But, each one of our runners, donned in matching pink t-shirts, glitter on their faces, all ran for those who have lost or are fighting their battle with Cancer.

And, of course, the run ended with an obligatory group photo…

Well done to all the ladies that took park and a HUGE thank you for everyones fundraising efforts!